Project Foobar Idea: Kids Can Code

Written by Rodney
May 10, 2021

Name: Kids Can Code

Target Audience: Elementary School Students (K-12)

The Challenge: The Ontario government has added coding to the K-12 curriculum but most teachers don’t know much about coding to be able teach it to their students. Most teachers rely on activities like Hour of Code or Scratch or Khan Academy to introduce students to computer programming. These tools do a good job teaching students about basic programming, but there's a lot more to computing and working in software development than coding.

The Solution: We will build a web application that will host games aimed at helping expose students to programming concepts not covered by other tools - this could include binary number conversion, basic algorithms, or how IP addresses work. Teachers would be able to use this web application as part of their curriculum, both in-class and virtually.

Possible blockers:

  • We will need to get teacher and school districts on-board to use this application

What makes this a strong idea:

  • It will be easy to build an MVP for this idea
  • Once established, we can continue to expand the library of games/tools in the project